
LOVE: the greatest indispensable and most essential force of life in abstraction that engenders two opposing extremes if it exist or not: life or death/extinction; tranquility or strife; unity or segregation, and what’s more, heaven or hell (Heaven is the foundation of love while hell is completely devoid of it). Love exemplifies the most ultimate Being God, and devoid of the most deficient being, the Devil. Perhaps, love can be more explicit through attribution and description of persons and the explanation of attitudes and experiences.

Varied forms of love manifest as Platonic love, Filial love, Agape love, Romantic love. Agape love revolves with divinity or spirituality and transcends platonic love which is mundane and which is preceded by the mutual relationship of filial love. The more pronounced, expressed more intimately between the sexes, is that of romantic love. Nevertheless are the aforementioned, generally intertwined by a common bond but with particular obvious dissimilarities which experience and the perception alone can tell.

Andrew Marvell’s “The Definition of Love” explicitly ideate the act of romantic love; the luring and rousing of libido by the gestures and spontaneous reaction of an alluring feminine in reciprocation to a masculine advance which result in nudity and sexual intercourse, is openly expressed in the poem. Thus, the defining chemistry of a romantic love is sex, which either can be a consummation, an affair or paramour. But then, would romantic love end temporary just as orgasm ends? What could have sustained romantic love in longevity without sex?

Hard as it is to divest lust from romantic love, it may not end there when lust has been satisfied, that is for some whose romantic love is genuine and hinged not only upon the wish to entertain the orgasmic moment, but to share in the most awful moment as well. For when little abstinence and control cannot be borne or exercise, not even the most profound love can endure.

Perhaps, the greatest restraint of romantic love to be exercise is compos mentis; for romantic love fantasizes on the physique and adores it more than to wonder about the elements that compose of it, the ingenious mind and the artful hands that brought it to existence and makes it divine. The claim of love in a romance might be sheer infatuation because it is compelled by lust, and lust only takes relish in the flesh.

Although, a romantic love does have a two route to its denouement: first, it is that the two sexes engaged in romance may come upon the realization of their essence; that’s, they may come to an understanding and a fervent need for each other. This amount to the condition that, whether they are together or a long distance apart, and however the long-for-time fate would permit, their longing for each other yet subsist and it is jealously reserved, not for any other but themselves alone. More so, it can lead to the actual consummation of love, but then, the divine law and ethics “ no sex before marital bliss” is undermined.

On the other hand, the two sexes engaged in romance may become disinclined in each other and may come to an abrupt end of friendship. That’s, when that lustful urge which propels them towards each other has been satisfied proportionately. And in this wise, this love which is more of an urge, is never guarded nor reserved. For the interplay of time is the interplay of several sexual partners wherever and whenever that urge is aroused. Therein are immodesty and unfaithfulness and even in the bliss of a wedded life, honesty is inconsequential. Too much relish of the body which is so endearing and excites the other, soon may become disliked and hated and neglected, when it has been well abused or tainted by accidence or circadian effect.

The Agape or divine love and romantic love are capable of being interchanged or subsist side by side and also in relation with filial and platonic love. But the apogee of love, no matter its form, is its fulfillment, and its fulfillment can only be found or reached through the means of philosophy and spirituality; for these two are the depth of a genuine love. Philosophy encompasses all knowledge as love does influences many things. Philosophy, the knowledge of the truth of existence and the essence of life is what love entails. And in spirituality, there lies the seat of love and its fountain from where everything was made and had their being, and the latter, which flows down to the earth, pure and natural before it has been abused.

There is no end to the knowledge of what love is or entails, because its root is a mystery which originates from divinity and its form is concrete which deals with the existence of man and the environment and love has no bound to wherever life subsist except in gedema. Therefore to appreciate its ideals, there is need to be inbuilt with some spirituality and be at least a little philosophical.


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